4 Ways to Keep Your Computer From Overheating

Blog Techy & Repair

4 Ways to Keep Your Computer From Overheating

There is more to your device than what meets your eyes. Unscrew your device, and you will see that many components go into making your computer work. Your computer fan is crucial for keeping your laptop cool.

An overheated computer can cause your computer or laptop to slow down and reduce its battery life. Keep your device longer by ensuring it’s properly maintained. Maximize your computer usage by following these vital tips to keep it intact. Problems with your computer or laptop are common, but taking care of your computer can make a difference in how it functions.

Don’t block the air vents.

The air vents in your computer let air flow out of your computer. Your laptop has electricity moving through it fast, generating a lot of heat. The purpose of the fan is to cool it down. It can be annoying to hear a loud noise while on your computer, but it keeps your computer functioning properly.

Laptops are more prone to overheating because their vents are on the bottom. Avoid leaving your computer on your bed when it is overheating. Heavy comforters can clog ducts and make it difficult for them to cool down. Instead, leave your laptop on a hard surface like a desk or countertop.

Sidenote: If you leave your laptop on a kitchen countertop, be sure to avoid spills from any liquids.

Wipe down your computer’s fans and vents


Dust loves to get in your computer’s fans and vents. Wipe down the inside of your computer every 6 to 12 months to keep it cool. When excessive dust builds up on your computer, it can cause your laptop to lag. Or, it can cause your computer fan not to work, making your laptop overheat quickly.

Shut Down Your Computer


Most computers and laptops would automatically shut down and reboot when overheated. If you notice that your computer is getting too hot, give yourself and your computer a break by shutting it down. When you turn your computer off, it gives it time to cool down. After about an hour, your laptop should not be overheating.

Limit The Devices Around Your Laptop


If you have a small laptop, it can be easy to leave it lying around other objects and devices. Create the habit of having a designated area for your computer to avoid accidents from happening. When you are not using your laptop, place it inside a case to prevent damages.

Techy can repair all brands of broken laptops and computers. Head over to a Techy store near you for repairs and get tech accessories that will keep your device safe.

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