7 iPhone Hacks For Enhanced Productivity

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7 iPhone Hacks For Enhanced Productivity

Whether you are working from your couch at home or desk at the office, we bet that your iPhone is always within your reach. Are you using this small mobile device to its full potential for your productivity? Imagine how much more you could get done at the office or home with the right productivity hacks! Here are seven great iPhone hacks that can help you get more done each day!

Say It To Siri


You can save yourself a lot of time, effort, and energy by taking advantage of Siri for notes, thoughts, and ideas. While she may not be the best for answering random questions, her ability to transcribe words into writing is impressive. Use this hack to retain information when you’re on the go and can’t write, like driving in between meetings. Siri can help make sure you never forget another great idea.

Use Do Not Disturb or Focus Modes

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Utilizing either Do Not Disturb or the Focus Modes of an iPhone can be a game-changer for productivity. Do Not Disturb can completely silence your iPhone so you won’t be distracted by texts, calls, or emails. You can set up focus mode automatically when you arrive at the office to limit disruption during work hours. You’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish when you aren’t interrupted by notifications.

Schedule Everything

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Are you using your iPhone calendar to help your productivity? Having a schedule for each day can keep you on track if you struggle with time management. Scheduling your tasks, including lunch, can help you get important tasks done and get you back on track if you get distracted or have to stop in the middle of one job to finish another. Scheduling lunch might encourage you to take a break and enjoy some food for those workaholics.

Organize Your Apps

An uncluttered iPhone can help promote a tidy mind. Take some time to go through all the apps on your smartphone and delete those you don’t use. A quick tip: if you haven’t opened an app in three months, you should delete it. Then, move the remaining apps into appropriately labeled folders. For example, social media, travel, or finances. Streamline your apps by putting only the apps you use daily on your first screen.

Go With Grayscale

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Did you know that you can switch your entire iPhone to grayscale? Believe it or not, this can help you reduce the distraction of all the brightly colored apps on your smartphone. How often do you pick up your phone without clicking on an app? These programs catch your eye and reel you in, wasting minutes and hours of your time. Less color can mean significantly less screen time.

Charge Faster

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If you spend a lot of time on your iPhone for work, you know the importance of quick charging. Smartphones have come a long way to stay charged for a more extended time. However,  calls and texting can still quickly suck the life of a battery. While wireless charging is great, the hack for the fastest charge possible is to put your device on airplane mode while it charges. This hack is handy if you need to charge your iPhone at a restaurant or an airport quickly.

Spend Time Listening Instead Of Reading


You can save time and multi-task more effectively by using iPhone’s VoiceOver feature. You can select a section of text and have it read to you, allowing you to do other things while you listen. Use this hack to accomplish tasks like putting mailing labels on envelopes while reviewing lengthy emails, news stories, policies, or reports.

If you’re going to have an iPhone, you might as well hack it for increased productivity. These devices are more powerful than we give them credit for, and these are just 7 of many examples of how they can make us more effective and efficient at work.

If you need accessories or repairs for your iPhone, stop by a Techy store in your area. 

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