
Top 5 Apps For Your Overall Health

You probably have a couple of apps that you tap on throughout your day, but do you have apps that align with some of the habits and goals that you have for yourself? Although we are halfway through the year, starting or working on some of your health goals is not too late.

You can download apps to your smartphone or tablet to track your habits and make changes that benefit your overall health. Instead of searching for these apps for yourself, continue reading to discover the right ones you can use at your fingertips.


Drink Water With Waterlogged

Summertime is not the only time you should keep track of your water intake. You should be keeping track of your water intake all year round. Water can help with your energy levels, carries oxygen to your cell, and help flush out bacteria from your bladder.

If you are someone who tends to forget to drink water throughout the day, then the Waterlogged app is excellent for you. You can set reminders during the day. The apps even let you take pictures of your own glasses that you drink out of so that you can log in your water intake faster.

The graph in the app allows you to see your daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly water consumption.


The Skincare Routine App

If you want to improve your skin, the first step is to find the right products for your skin. Stick to those products for a couple of months and use the Skincare Routine app to track your skin improvement. Create a product. List the cleanser, toner, exfoliators, and creams that you are using on the app.

The app shows you what products you should avoid, and you can switch products once you find other alternatives that may work for you. When you notice that your skin is getting better or worse, you can take notes to have more detailed information for your own rec


Sleep Quality Using SleepScore

Be your best productive self when you get quality sleep. The SleepScore app helps you track your breathing and body movement with just your smartphone microphone and speaker. On the app, you can get in-depth details about your sleep quality.

If you feel like you are not getting the sleep quality you need, the SleepScore can give you personalized advice and recommendations to improve. After reaching your goals, you can use the advice on SleepScore to maintain your new successful sleep habit.

Plan Your Meal With Lifesum

One of the most challenging things about dieting is finding the right foods to help you lose weight, maintain weight, or achieve other body goals. With Lifesum, you can track your calories and find over 1,000 healthy recipes to support your diet.

If you are following a Keto diet or intermittent fasting, you can find recipes that help you with those diets. You can track your calories and know the carbs, fat, and protein you consume daily with Lifesum.

Create A Better Mindset With Headspace

You may not realize it, but your brain is one of the most used parts of your body. When you need to do a task like walking or running, your brain sends signals to your body. You use your mind to make discussions about every aspect of your life.
It can be easy to feel overwhelmed when you constantly use your mind throughout your day. When you need to take a break or calm your mind, use the Headspace app to meditate. You can select different meditations to decompress or unclutter your mind so you can return to a productive day.
sports girl sits in front of phone camera

Work Out With All Out Studio

If you can’t make it to the gym or don’t like the gym atmosphere, download Out All Studio. You can work out at home or have an outdoor workout. The app has cardio, pilates, strength training, and more. Choose the right exercises that fit your lifestyle, whether you travel, work remotely, or commute to work. 


The great thing about our smart devices is that you can do so much with them. Plan those everyday habits with your smartphone so that you can start to see your growth in your overall health. If there are other wellness goals you want to achieve, browse through the app store to find an app that meets your needs.

If you need to repair your smartphone to stay on top of your health goals, visit a Techy near you. One of our technicians will be happy to assist you.


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